Monday, April 28, 2014

Process Boards and Polariods with a Side of Corn

Greetings Everyone, It has been quite some time, I’m aware, but this is the life of a teacher/student.  Finally I am getting some images up to show something a Project Zero teacher/friend of mine suggested and some double-ended art making that recently occurred. 

About a year a go I wrote about film making as an educational tool and the unit has come around again.  This group of students is very good about staying on task and while they were making their sets and characters, I ran around the class with the Polaroid to take photos of the process.  My reasons are two fold.  1. To be a bit of a goof ball (the charm of being a middle and high school art teacher is that it is in the job description to be a little corny), and 2. To document the students’ progress and post it on their semester process board. 

The idea of the process board is to help the students visually see where they start the term and how it progresses along.  Not only is it a history making device, I believe it helps students make connection between experiences they have, what they learn, and what they accomplish.  Hopefully in the future this will reinforce their ability to call on prior knowledge when approaching current tasks.

Enjoy the corny photos!