Monday, January 19, 2009

Conceptualization of Personal Expression

A quick note about what follows: This is a unit I am creating for a Visual Arts class. In order to better focus the content I take the concept that I will be teaching and running it through four different criteria for understanding, or as we say at BCIS "Areas of Interaction". There is a some education vocabulary in here but it is accessible to everyone and I would like anyone to have a look and add opinoins.

Method of expression is an indication of how the artist sees the world

I.Community and Service
Different types of art art accepted and understood differently. Islam for example more or less only accepts things that are abstracted, no images of anything, it’s pattern and design. In the west and the new east the visual structure of popular culture is dominate. International students in China are in a very unique position. Chinese culture is simultaneously taking a large hold in the world and absorbing cultures from outside. China is very happy to show its ancient culture and it is interested in taking things from outside its boarders that are of scientific or cultural value. Students now are bringing their culture here to open recipients as well as being asked to accept the existing culture.

II.Health and Social Education
Visual art is generally scene as the philosophy of sight. Contemporary artists are conceptualizing and expressing what it is that we as humanity think of the world through visual mean. Art in its present tense has always done this and the students should be looking the view of the world an how that is reflected in expression. Visual arts has by and large taken a philosophical view but it has, as in the case of Dadaism and the rise of journalistic art, contemplated social issues, think of the photo journalist that captured the ship breaking series, these were simultaneously a bookmark in history, a social comment on the lives of Bangladeshis and visually appealing photos. A student’s expression could very well be a comment on not only prevailing attitudes but also the state of the world in all its complexities

The significant concept as it relates to the Environments AOI can be multi-leveled. I think particularly in the realm of time frames. As human thought has progressed, so has its means of expression. Most acute now is the difference between the previous modern view that there is angst about the blurred distinction between order and disorder, and the postmodern view that there is no difference between order and disorder and thus no angst. The students would be understanding that the modes of expression are in relation to the world view. However in the unit what I want the students to be thinking about is their own place in the world and how they can vary their expression in a way that is particular to their own environment

Human Ingenuity
Knowingly or not artists use their mode of personal expression to present what they think of the world, normally a small corner of it, what it is they see. This expression is then normally translated to the rest of the world through historians (in contemporary times gallerists and collectors). If the artist is making strong enough of an expression, then the message gets spread world wide and over time as well. It is the artist’s bold or new thought that is now influencing our behavior. In a more global sense it isn’t just one artist but the sum of what all artists are producing that influence our thinking

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