Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Photo Below

I posted the photo below from my phone yesterday. I wanted to see if it could work and there you go. I was near Today Art Museum/Pingod Shi Qu making a little graffiti. Actually i made the graffiti because everyone seemed distracted by whatever was going on. After I finished my tag I moseyed over to see what everyone was looking at. It was these music video dressed women. I think that's what they were doing, or filming a television commercial or something. It didn't really look all that professional. But hey, it worked.

However this is not what I am here to write about. Mentally things have improved for me and I am becoming more and more optimistic by the day. Now i need to focus to make certain I get my thoughts down.

Exhibit. After reading through earlier blogs (glad I started using this to keep track of my thoughts) I realized that soe of the things I mentioned have come to light, and also I forgot about some other ideas that would have helped me shape my statement last week. First scanning the nagativea and making the screen did, eventially work out. I am ot one hundred percent satisfied with the result, however, it is pretty good and I can add to it after I run a few more prints. I should have mentioned this to Doug, but soon enough I will have an image to show him instead. Also I need to get back to Joel about this collage-image based stuff I was thinking about. Make it art and make it signatory.

Greening the Beigie: The CEO now wants to meet ith me and I ned to get my ideas better sorted out before I meet with her. Also it is important for her to tell me what he has in mind. My brainstorm if ideas is that we raise awareness of environmental issues by holding exhibits, fashion shows, particpating in events, blogs, social networking and I still think wearables is also a good route. Things like green t-shirts, bags etc. There are also some possibilities for actions, I keep thinking about the guy in SF who printed labels and cards using the runover from print shops. Things that can show the public how easy it is to conserve and how easy it can be not to waste. The other is education and the above mentioned action or something like that, as well as green drinks could happen especially if there are speakers every month. The student group at CAFA is good and perhaps there is opportunity to spread to other universities and using Roots and Shoots perhaps primary and secondary schools. Finally, fundraising, and I have no idea how to go about that.

The Band: That sounds so silly, but ok there is an interesting opportunity to make some art here so why not? Leng Du wants to make a photo essay out of us. Really, I am not going to worry about that. It is important here to take this easy and not throw too much unto it. Get some good songs, play when the feeling moves you and the others and don't sweat it after that. I have already talked about the tunes, we have about seven or eight and we should just work on those for now, not try to introduce anything new.

HK: So since I have cancelled my western trip and I am free to save some money and make a nice slow crawl to HK before my class. What that really means is planning. I have to make sure that everything good gets done before that and that I know where I want to go. In the guide book I have almost gotten through Shandong - a lone way to go still. Other places I'd like to be: Zhejiang, Suzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shaolin, Wuhan, Xiamen, Shenzhen.

Study: I am at last inspired to study again. I want to really turn HUX into something and also my Chinese needs work, maybe even add another language. Heh heh.

In follow up to some other posts, I did not delete Qiqi form my phone. She is still around and will be for a while. Helen is great. I can't remember anything else from before. Oh the Lomo guys did come and made light graffiti and I have seen very little of the results, but what I have seen is cool.

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