Sunday, July 3, 2011

Another Day of Musing What I should Do

Ok a lot to do and before I get distracted by actually doing stuff I need to take this time to get all my thoughts out so I can stay focused rather than waste time thinking I am accomplishing something. I would have liked to do this on the blog, but I need to be in a shield which isn’t conducive to listening to the radio at the same time.

So let’s see, I have to make arrangements for Cambodia, pay Seki and look into a visa, also I have to do some serious work on GtB. I had a good meeting with Vanessa last night, it left me inspired and ready to get some things done. I still have not looked for jobs elsewhere which is important as well as looking a graduate schools to make certain that I am at the top of my game when I apply. Absolutely none of my school work has been done which I need to do, specifically I need to adjust the units I am currently running and brainstorm some new ones. In relation to GtB I really want to look into my design gallery idea, really, find out what green means and where to find these things. I need Qiqi to look at my apartment contract, I have to retrieve money from both Elliot and Ruth (desperately needed). I am happy that the rent and the savings plan and the school fees are paid. speaking of school I have to check with SCAD about when there classes end, how to get from SZ to HK and back again and what kind of things I need to bring with me. Of course there are contact I have to get in touch with in HK like Julie, Sarah’s sister and Mari. I had a good start studying Chinese ad I have to keep it up, work on the basic lessons from the BLCU units rather than ust playing around with vocabulary. Also se t the band rehearsal schedule, and that is about all I am going to do for the band. There is a variety of shopping that needs to be done and I should get on a an exercise schedule again. There are the long term goals as far as finding out who I owe money to and getting tat paid and of course I need to visit with Wang Ting, Sun Liangang and while I am there Leng Yan. And I do not want to stop painting, really I want to make a book of my painting because that seems to be the method here. Should I look at web hosting as well - Devin Allen Art Music Education - ha ha sounds good. I should write a real blog, although I will most likely use this article and just paste it into my blog. I haven’t really know what to blog about, maybe I should talk about my trip to the Temple of Heaven, that would make a pretty good story. It’s good to write a lot, to get better at writing and language. Ok what else? I am not sure, actually I am fairly happy with this list of things. Oh yeah I have to adjust the finances spreadsheet. Ok that actually is it I believe. Normally I am not this satisfied with my lists, always feeling like there is something left out, but this time I think it’s good.

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