Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have had this obsession with collage images recently. My own of course. I started making these books about a year or so ago, using recycled materials in the classrooms and the books just became works of art in themselves. I say it's an obsession because I can hardly keep my hands off of them. Whenever I done with a magazine I peruse through it looking for images I like, usually it's fashion but also there is a lot of finding an image and adding either meaning or adding an aspect to change the image in one way or another. Most of the time, after I manufacture a book I begin by putting some images into the book in a regular, but not thought out order. Then I just vamp off of that. Adding drawings, other images or just doodles and let the book take shape itself. At times I will even allow my students to add to it (sometimes they do this without asking but I just let it go there is a nice natural growth to the whole process).

I like to turn these into money in one form or another. The natural inclination is to make these works of art that can be sold, but really I don't have enough of a reputation for that. really like I would like to develop these into a graphic design language of my own. Have people who want these sort of rough pasted and drawn things to be used in advertisements, posters, whatever. I am meeting with my friend Joel sometime int he near future to talk about this (although he doesn't know this yet, but I did say I wanted to bounce some creative ideas off of him). I want to be a creative consultant of sorts. When I was writing my paper this past spring I thought "Yes I will become a master of images" We live in a an image based society these days, with apps and the internet and I have even taken a liking to photography again, so why not push it, make it something more than just a lark, which is what is now.

One of the reasons I really stick with it is because I am compelled to do it and that is in effect the way that points to good art making. I am not patient enough to study anything deeply. I have a lot of good ideas but not enough time to work on them all, so things I am compelled to do, I stick with. Enjoy the image above.

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